Robinson, R. and Baum, T. (2019) Occupational Artefacts: Tools of the Trade, Trophies or Totems? Human Relations
Robinson, R., Martins, A., Solnet, D. and Baum, T. (2019) Sustaining precarity: critically examining tourism and employment, Journal of Sustainable Tourism
Baum, T. and Mooney, S. (2019) Hospitality employment 2033: A backcasting perspective (invited paper for 'luminaries' special issue of International Journal of Hospitality Management), International Journal of Hospitality Management
Baum, T. (2019) A changing world of work. What can we learn from the service sector about employing Millennials (and Gen Z)? Organizational Dynamics
Dimitrios Buhalis
Journal articles
Stamolampros, P., Korfiatis, N., Chalvatzis, N., Buhalis, D., 2019, Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Determinants in High Contact Services: Insights from Employees' Online Reviews, Tourism Management, Vol.75, Dec. pp.130-147,
Kallmuenzer, A.; Peters, M., Buhalis, D., 2019, Host-Guest Value Co-Creation in Hospitality Family Firms, Current Issues in Tourism, accepted
Mendes, LF., de Souza, J., Buhalis, D., 2019, Evaluating the effectiveness of tourist promotions to improve the competitiveness of destinations, Tourism Economics, Accepted,
Buhalis, D., and Sinarta, Y., 2019, Real-time co-creation and nowness service: lessons from tourism and hospitality, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 36(5), pp.563-582
Buhalis, D., Harwood, T., Bogicevic, V., Viglia, G., Beldona, S., Hofacker, C., 2019, Technological disruptions in Services: lessons from Tourism and Hospitality, Journal of Service Management, Forthcoming.
Stamolampros, P., Korfiatis; N., Chalvatzis, K., Buhalis, D., 2019, Harnessing the "Wisdom of Employees" from Online Reviews, Annals of Tourism Research,
Invited keynotes conference presentations and papers:
Buhalis, D., 2019, 6-11 May 2019 International Academy For The Study Of Tourism Biennial Conference STP Nusa Dua Bali Indonesia
Buhalis, D., 2019 Smart tourism and the emerging ecosystem towards 2030, The Smart Conference, May 1-4, 2019 - Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida Orlando, USA
Buhalis, D., 2019 Real time personalised services in tourism: the new luxury, American University of Sarjah, 25 April UAE
Buhalis, D., 2019 ORGANISATIONAL CULTURE: AIMING FOR EXCELLENCE Corporate strategy – HORIZON 2030, 12-13 April Hotel Managers Association, Rhodes Greece
Buhalis, D., 2019, TTRAEurope2019, Tourism in the era of connectivity, Bournemouth University Department of Tourism and Hospitality 8-10 April 2019,
Dick Butler has co-edited a book TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY IN CONFLICT-RIDDEN DESTINATIONS with Rami Isaac and Erdinc Cakmak (both of Breda University, Netherlands), published May 2019, by Routledge, London.
His book OVERTOURISM: ISSUES AND IMPLICATIONS, co-edited with Rachel Dodds (Ryerson University, Toronto) was published by De Gruyter, Berlin also in May 2019.
His keynote paper, Island Vulnerability to Overtourism given to the 10th International Conference on Islands Tourism held in Palermo, September 2018, appeared in the OTIE proceedings of that conference (pages 3-12) published by OTIE, Palermo, Sicily, in March 2019.
Kaye Chon
Kaye Chon hosted the APacCHRIE/EuroCHRIE Joint Conference in Hong Kong on 22-24 May 2019. The conference, which was concurrently with the 4th Global Tourism and Hospitality Conference, was attended by more than 750 people from 42 countries or regions.
Kaye Chon had his book "Tourism in Asia – a New Paradigm" published by Routledge
Sara Dolnicar
Sara Dolnicar visited the Academy office at Hong Kong PolyU
Opinion Piece:
Dolnicar, S. (2019) Brilliance is succinct: Embrace and respect the short communication, Annals of Tourism Research (Viewpoint), 76:290.
Journal Articles:
Randle, M., Kemperman, A. & Dolnicar, S. (2019) Making cause-related corporate social responsibility (CSR) count in holiday accommodation choice. Tourism Management, 75:66–77.
Fielding, K., Dolnicar, S. & Schultz, T. (2019) Public acceptance of recycled water: State-of-the-art review. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 35(4):551–586.
Dolnicar, S., Kneževič Cvelbar, L., Grün, B. (2019) Changing service settings for the environment – how to reduce negative environmental impacts without sacrificing tourist statisfaction. Annals of Tourism Research, 76:301–304.
Dolnicar, S., Knezevic Cvelbar, L. & Grün, B. (2019). A sharing-based approach to enticing tourists to behave more environmentally friendly. Journal of Travel Research, 58(2):241-252.
Babakhani, N., Leisch, F. & Dolnicar, S. (2019) A good graph is worth a thousand numbers. Annals of Tourism Research (Research Note), 76:338–342.
Miller, L., Randle, M. & Dolnicar S. (2019) Carer factors associated with foster placement success and breakdown. British Journal of Social Work, 49(2):503–522.
Randle, M. & Dolnicar, S. (2019) Enabling people with impairments to use Airbnb. Annals of Tourism Research (Research Note), 76:278–289.
Dolnicar, S. (2019) A review of research into paid online peer-to-peer accommodation - Launching the Annals of Tourism Research curated collection on peer-to-peer accommodation. Annals of Tourism Research, 75:248–264.
Douglas Pearce
Doug Pearce has been putting his Spanish to good use in a series of presentations in Chile in April.
keynote speaker:
• At the 11th Congreso de la Sociedad de Investigadores en Turismo in Chile held in Punta Arenas and at the IV Coloquio de Turismo Internacional Chileno-Argentino which took place in Porvenir, Tierra del Fuego.
• The 2nd Encuentro Internacional de Turismo Científico in Valdivia.
Journal articles
• Guala Catalan, C. & Pearce, D.G. (2019) 'Changes to the national institutional framework for tourism in Chile: the use and impact of evaluation reports in the policy-making process'.
• In K. Andriotis, D. Stylidis & A. Weidenfeld (Eds.), Tourism Policy and Planning Implementation. (London: Routledge), pp. 115-139.
Brian King
Journal articles
Chen, Z, Suntikul, W. & King, B.E.M. (2019): Research on tourism experiencescapes: the journey from art to science Current Issues in Tourism DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2019.1616679
Lo, A., King, B.E.M. & Mackenzie, M. (2019): Segmenting Chinese millennial restaurant customers: a lifestyle and health and environmental consciousness approach, Journal of China Tourism Research, DOI: 10.1080/19388160.2019.1604281.
Koseoglu, M, A. & King, B.E.M (2019 forthcoming) Gender disparities and positioning in collaborative hospitality and tourism research, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Chen V., King, B.E.M. & Suntikul, W. (2019 forthcoming): Festivalscapes and the visitor experience: an application of the Stimulus Organism Response approach, International Journal of Tourism Research
Koseoglu, M, A., King, B.E.M & Xiao, H (2019 forthcoming): Chinese contributions to hospitality research: patterns of authorship and collaboration, Journal of China Tourism Research
Conference Papers
Huang, S., King, B.E.M., & Law, R. (2019) Perceptions of international professional associations amongst leading hospitality & tourism scholars. 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference. Hong Kong.
The International Academy for the Study of Tourism Biennial Conference, Bali, Indonesia, May 2019
Fellows' Presentation - Future of the Hotel School
2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference, Hong Kong, May 2019
Panelist - Mid-Career Development: Issues and Strategies
David Weaver
David retired from Griffith University at the end of 2018, but continues as a Visiting Professor at Dongbei University of Finance and Economics in Dalian, China. He remains very active in a wide variety of research projects, including many focused on China, and is still frequently travelling around the world as visiting professor or keynote speaker. He can be contacted at (and advises that "retirement" is the best time of life).
Journal articles
Weaver, D.B., Tang, C-Z., & Lawton, L.J. (2019). Cultivating the Chinese market through destination loyalty: Enhancing resilience in the Maldives. Tourism Geographies.
Kwek, A., Wang, Y., & Weaver, D.B. (2019). Face and facework in ethnic Chinese shopping-intensive package tours: Dynamics and outcomes. Tourism Management.
Tang, C-Z., Weaver, D.B., Shi, F-F., Huang, M-F., & Liu, Y. (2019). Constraints to domestic ocean cruise participation among higher income Chinese adults. International Journal of Tourism Research.
Lesar, L., Weaver, D.B., & Gardiner, S. (2019). From spectrum to multiverse: A new perspective on the diversity of quality control tools for sustainable tourism theory and practice. Journal of Travel Research.
Shi, F-F., Weaver, D.B., Zhao, Y-Z., Huang, M-F., Tang, C-Z., & Liu, Y. (2019). Toward an ecological civilization: Mass comprehensive ecotourism indications among domestic visitors to a Chinese wetland protected area. Tourism Management, 70, 59-68
Recent visits
2019 (29 May – 14 June) China (Dalian): Visiting professor, Yangtze River Scholarship; research collaboration on Chinese research projects
2019 (10 May) Japan (Tokyo): Keynote speaker, Symposium on Sustainable Tourism: From Idealism to Reality, Toyo University: "From alternative tourism and mass tourism dichotomy to amalgamation: The 30 year evolution of sustainable tourism from idealism to realism"
2019 (11 Apr) Russia (Moscow): Invited honorary speaker to XX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, Higher School of Economics: "Geographic periphery as experiential core: Achieving sustainable Russian regional development in the 'tourisation' era".
2019 (8-9 Jan) Japan (Beppu): Invited expert to Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University: Publication in high tier journals seminar and presentations on dark tourism theory and three stages of ecotourism
2019 (28 Feb – 20 March) China (Dalian): Visiting professor, Yangtze River Scholarship; seminars, research collaboration and research visit to Zhangjiajie national scenic area, Hunan province
Allan Williams
Allan Williams has published the following papers. His co-author Isabel Rodríguez Sánchez was an EU-funded Marie Sklodowska Curie fellow at Surrey for two years, where she was recently appointed to the post of Research Fellow for the Competitiveness Research Group.
Rodríguez Sánchez, I., Williams, A. M., and Andreu, H. G. (2019), Customer resistance to tourism innovations: entrepreneurs' understanding and management strategies, Journal of Travel Research
Rodríguez Sánchez I., Makkonen, T, and Williams, A. M. (2019) Peer review assessment of originality in tourism journals: critical perspective of key gatekeepers, Annals of Tourism Research 77: 1-11
Rodriguez-Sanchez, I, Williams, A M. and Brotons, M (2017) The innovation journey of new-to-tourism entrepreneurs Current Issues in Tourism 22(8): 877-904