Robinson, R. and Baum, T. (2019) Occupational Artefacts: Tools of the Trade, Trophies or Totems? Human Relations
Robinson, R., Martins, A., Solnet, D. and Baum, T. (2019) Sustaining precarity: critically examining tourism and employment, Journal of Sustainable Tourism
Baum, T. and Mooney, S. (2019) Hospitality employment 2033: A backcasting perspective (invited paper for 'luminaries' special issue of International Journal of Hospitality Management), International Journal of Hospitality Management
Baum, T. (2019) A changing world of work. What can we learn from the service sector about employing Millennials (and Gen Z)? Organizational Dynamics
Dimitrios Buhalis
New publications
Buhalis, D., 2020, Technology in tourism- From Information Communication Technologies to eTourism and Smart Tourism towards Ambient Intelligence Tourism: A perspective article, Tourism Review, Vol 75(1)
Anagnostopoulou., S. Buhalis; D., Kountouri; I., Manousakis; E., Tsekrekos, A., 2019, The impact of online reputation to hotel profitability (IJCHM-03-2019-0247.R1), International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Yao, B., Qiu, R., Fan, D., Liu, A. and Buhalis, D. (2019), "Standing out from the crowd – an exploration of signal attributes of Airbnb listings", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,.
Rihova, I; Buhalis, D; Moital, M; Gouthro, MB., 2019, Practice-based segmentation: taxonomy of c2c co-creation practice segments, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 31(9), pp. 3799-3818
Fan, D., Buhalis, D., Lin, B., 2019, A tourist typology of online and face-to-face social contact: Destination immersion and tourism encapsulation/decapsulation, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol.78,
Assiouras, I., Skourtis, G., Giannopoulos, A., Buhalis, D., Koniordos, M., 2019 Value Co-Creation effect on Customer Citizenship Behavior, Annals of Tourism Research, Accepted.
Invited keynotes
Buhalis, D., 2019, Application of Digital Marketing in tourism MEKST Congress Novi Sad University, Serbia. 22nd to 24th of November 2019
Buhalis, D., 2019, World Travel Market, London, 4-6 November 2019.
Buhalis, D., 2019, Research publications in top journals, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TOURISM AND RETAIL SERVICE MANAGEMENT 2019, New Challenges and Opportunities in Tourism and Retail Services, Tianjin China, 27-28 October 2019
Buhalis, D., 2019, Strategic Management and Marketing in Technology and Tourism, "Tourism Tribune China Tourism Research Annual Conference 2019" Nankai University, Tianjin, China, October 24-27, 2019.
Buhalis, D., 2019, The 13th UNWTO/PATA Forum on TOURISM TRENDS AND OUTLOOK, 17-19 October 2019 Guilin, China
Buhalis, D., 2019, Global Conference on Business and Economics (GLOBE) and Global Conference on Hospitality, Tourism, Event and Leisure Management (HOTEL) that will take place on Sept 30-Oct 3, 2019 at Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Buhalis, D., 2019, World Tourism Alliance WTA Xianghu Dialogue "Poverty Alleviation and Development—Shared Responsibilities of World Tourism Community", Hangzhou City of China 16-18 September 2018
Buhalis, D., 2019, WORLD TOURISM CONFERENCE 2019 (WTC 2019) "BEYOND TOURISM – BEYOND EXPECTATIONS" Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 26 – 28 August 2019
Call for book chapters
Smart Cities: Co-creating experiences, challenges and opportunities Editors: Dimitrios Buhalis, Babak Taheri, and Roya Rahimi
The Sharing Economy: Perspectives, Opportunities and Challenges Editors: Babak Taheri, Roya Rahimi, and Dimitrios Buhalis
Richard Butler
Dick and Margaret Butler have returned to Canada to live effective October 1, 2019. Dick can be reached by email at both and They will be living in Prince Rupert, in British Columbia.
Eric Cohen
Cohen, E. and Spector, S. (eds). 2019. Space Tourism: The Elusive Dream. Bingley U.K.: Emerald Publishing.
Cohen, E. 2019. Crocodile Tourism: The emasculation of ferocity. Tourism, Culture and Communication 19: 83-102.
Cohen, E. 2019. Posthumanism and tourism. Tourism Review 74(3): 416-42/7.
Cohen, E. The fall and reincarnation of Thailand's Tiger Temple. International Journal of Tourism Anthropology 7(2): 115-131.
Cohen, E. 2019. Interacting with wild animals. In Ph. L. Pearce (ed.) Tourist Behavior. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 220-240.
Cohen, E. 2019. Extraterrestrial Life, Stellar Civilizations, and Aliens. In Cohen, E. and Spector, S. (eds.) Space Tourism: The Elusive Dream. Bingley U.K.: Emerald Publishing, pp. 69-92.
Sara Dolnicar
Opinion piece
Dolnicar, S. (2019). Reduce reuse… and don't recycle! (Viewpoint). Annals of Tourism Research, 77, 62-63.
Refereed Journal Articles
Brosnan, K., Babakhani, N. & Dolnicar, S. (accepted 30.11.2018) "'I know what you're gonna ask' - Why respondents don't read survey questions". International Journal of Market Research, 61(4): 366–379.
Dolnicar, S. & Juvan, E. (2019) Drivers of plate waste: A mini theory of action based on staff observations (research note). Annals of Tourism Research, 78:102731.
Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship ($3.2 mio, "Making a sustainable tourist")
Top Handling Editor Award (Web of Science, among the top 10 handing editors globally)
Best Contribution Award at AIEST 2019 in Varna, Bulgaria for Dolnicar, Juvan & Grün "Reducing plate waste at hotel buffets"
Ranked as one of Australia's top 5 researchers in Business, Economics and Management by The Australian newspaper
Brian King
Journal articles
Goh, E. & King, B.E.M. (2019): Four decades (1980-2020) of hospitality and tourism higher education in Australia: developments and future prospects, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education (paper accepted on 1 Oct 2019)
Gu, Q.S., Qiu Zhang, H. & King, B.E.M (2019): Understanding the wine tourism experience: the roles of facilitators, constraints and involvement, Journal of Vacation Marketing (paper accepted on 12 Jul 2019)
Kim, B., Kim, S. and King, B.E.M. (2019): Religious tourism studies: evolution, progress, and future prospects , Tourism Recreation Research, DOI: 10.1080/02508281.2019.1664084
Koseoglu, M, A. & King, B.E.M (2019): Decision tools: a systematic literature review, co-citation analysis and future research directions, Nankai Business Review International, DOI: 10.1108/NBRI-07-2018-0045
Koseoglu, M & King, B.E.M (2019) Authorship structures and collaboration networks in tourism journals Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education DOI: 10.1080/10963758.2019.1655433
Wondirad, A, Tolkach, D. & King, B.E.M. (2019): NGOs in ecotourism: patrons of sustainability or neo-colonial agents? Evidence from Africa, Tourism Recreation Research, DOI: 10.1080/02508281.2019.1675269
THE-ICE 13th IPoE (International Panel of Experts) Forum 2019, Lyceum of the Philippines University & University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines, Oct 2019
Chair of THE-ICE Assessment Panel
Lead the THE-ICE Assessment Panel Workshop
External Assessment
Undertook an audit of the National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism (NKUHT) on behalf of THE-ICE, Oct 2019
Metin Kozak
Invited Speaker
Invited speaker for two panels on the future of tourism education and tourism publishing procedures. 25. APTA Tourism Conference, 1–5 July, Hao Mi, Vietnam.
"Blurry minds in tourism research: setting the agenda for the future". 5th EATSA Annual Conference, 25-30 June, Antalya, Turkey.
Conference Organisations
Co-chair for the 8th Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference, Namur, Belgium, 3-7 September 2019.
Papers in Refereed International Journals
E. Sthapit, M. Kozak & D. Coudounaris (2019). What am I going to do now? Examining choice overload in vacation activities using the familiarity concept. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality & Tourism, 19(3), 232-258.
Z. Alrawadieh, Z. Alrawadieh & M. Kozak (2019). Exploring the impact of tourist harassment on destination image, tourist expenditure, and destination loyalty. Tourism Management, 73(August), 13-20.
M. Kozak (2019). Historical development of tourism journals – a milestone in 75 years. Tourism Review (accepted).
A. Correia, M. Kozak & G. Del Chiappa (2019). Examining the meaning of luxury in tourism: a mixed-method approach. Current Issues in Tourism (accepted).
Conference Presentations
M. Moraes, Á. Rodrigues, A. Correia & M. Kozak (2019). Absorptive capacity, tourism and co- creation: an analysis of the literatüre. 8th Advsnces in Tourism Marketing (ATMC) Conference, Namur, Belgium, 3-7 September.
N. Kozak & M. Kozak (2019, eds.). Tourism Destination Management. Switzerland: Springer.
A. Correia, A. Fyall & M. Kozak (2019, eds.). Experiential Consumption and Marketing in Tourism within a Cross-Cultural Context. London: Goodfellows.
A. Artal-Tur & M. Kozak (2019, eds.). Culture and Cultures in Tourism. London: Routledge.
A. Correia, M. Kozak & A. I. Rodrigues (2019, eds.). Experiencing Persian Heritage: Perspectives and Challenges. Bingley: Emerald.
Book chapters
A. Bavik, A. Correia & M. Kozak (2019). Motivation to travel to Macau: A multi-group analysis. In A. Correia, A. Fyall & M. Kozak (Eds.). Experiential Consumption and Marketing in Tourism within a Cross-Cultural Conext (pp.122-141). London: Goodfellows.
A. Correia & M. Kozak (2019). Browsing and shopping. In P. Pearce (Ed.). Tourist Behavior: An Essential Companion. Edward Elgar.
Karl Wöber
Karl Wöber visited the Academy office at Hong Kong PolyU on 19 September 2019. Left to Right: Leslie Fung, Prof. Kaye Chon, Prof. Karl Wöber, Prof. Cathy Hsu, Prof. Brian King and Angela Chu.
Arch G. Woodside
Journal articles (Copies upon requests)
Woodside, A. G. (2019). Accurate case - outcome modeling in economics, psychology, and marketing. Psychology & Marketing, 1-16.
Woodside, A. G., Megehee, C. M., Carolina, S., & Ferguson, G. (2019). Consequences of national cultures and motivations on entrepreneurship, innovation, ethical behavior, and quality-of-life. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, (March).