
  • “The Future of and for Tourism”: A Publication from The Upcoming Academy Meeting in Leuven
    August 31 - November 31, 2022.
    Contact: Richard Butler
    Email: r.butler2@btinternet.com

This is a short note to advise Academy members that it is intended to produce a publication from the upcoming Academy meeting in Leuven. Channelview Publications (U.K) have indicated their interest in publishing a book based on the presentations given at the Academy meeting in Leuven around the theme of The Future of and for Tourism (very much a tentative working title). The intent would be to include a selection of the papers presented (essentially those most closely related to the theme of the meeting), the presentations and summaries of the panels, and the presentations and summaries of the visioning segment of the meeting. There would also be an introduction and a concluding chapter. This would enable the volume to be more than a collection of somewhat unconnected papers, and would be dependent on the material providing a coherent and focused manuscript on the overriding theme of the meeting.

It is important for members to be aware that their presentations, both full papers and those for the panels and visioning segment, could be included in the volume when they are preparing their work. The rough timetable would be for first drafts to be submitted soon after the meeting, ideally by the end of August 2022, allowing a period for review, and final drafts to be in by the end of November. This would allow the manuscript to be submitted to the publisher by the beginning of 2023, thus remaining topical and relevant.

As with previous publications from the Academy meetings, the royalties would accrue entirely to the Academy. Updates will be sent to Academy members through the Secretariat as things develop to ensure everyone is current with affairs.